Georgia Registered Agent
Service for Your Business
Quick and Easy


as low as $20/year when prepaying 3 years.

- Instantly Active Georgia Registered Agent Service (use immediately on GA corporate filing)
- Best Price & Service
- No Price Increases - Same Rate Each Year
- Same Day Scans, Pickup, or Forwarding of Legal Docs
- Easy 24/7 Online Sign Up
- We Offer Corporate Formation Services in Georgia
- We Can Make the Registered Agent Change Filing for You

Can I be my own Registered

Agent in Georgia?

Absolutely. You must be a resident of Georgia and be willing to have your name and address listed publicly in association with your business. Most people prefer to keep their personal life separate from their business life to avoid customers showing up on their doorstep. Additionally, as your own registered agent you must be at your residence to receive service of process during business hours. This can be problematic with work, vacations, etc. It costs nothing to be your own registered agent, but the negatives far outweigh the savings of a few dollars. We strongly encourage you to instead select us to take on the role of georgia registered agent for your business. TRUE Space is consistently rated as the best registered agent in Atlanta and the best registered agent in Georgia. If you need to find a registered agent in Georgia for your LLC or corporation, we are ready to serve.

What Information Will I Receive

Upon Sign Up?


You will receive information both on screen and via email providing your registered agent information (Name, Address, Email, Phone #, County. It will include everything you need to complete your corporate filling with the secretary of state. Additionally, the email will provide confirmation that we have consented to act as your registered agent.

Georgia Registered Agent Service Plans

prepay and save
Active plans renew at the same rate/duration unless a different plan is requested prior to renewal. A $10.00 deposit will be added to the checkout total.

Who files my registered agent information with the state?

New corporate formation: TRUE Space offers corporate formation services for domestic for profit LLC's and corporations. Cost: $280.00 (includes the Georgia $105.00 filing fee). Our corporate formation specialists will work with you via phone to coordinate and ensure your filing is done right. If using an attorney or 3rd party service you can provide them with your registered agent information so they can complete your filing. If filing yourself, you will use the information we email to you to fill in the required fields when filing with the secretary of state. Once you have your business mailing address and have your registered agent, email us as to initiate the corporation formation process. Provide your name, business name, phone # and email. Our corporate formation specialists will call you to gather the needed information needed to form your entity.

Making a change to an existing corporate filing: TRUE Space can help by making the filing for you. If you aren't comfortable with the state filing process we are happy to help (see below section for more information). Otherwise, you can update/amend your registered agent information with the secretary of state. Detailed information is provided below in the next section.

How do I submit a change of registered agent for my corporation?

Easiest: Ask TRUE Space to make the filing for you. TRUE Space can make the filing for you to change your registered agent information. Our filng fee is $80.00 (includes $25.00 state filing fee). Note: If your corporation has not yet filed your annual registration for the calendar year, the filing fee is $130.00 (includes $55 state annual registration filing fee). To request our help, just email us at once you have signed up for Registered Agent Service.

Do It Yourself - Online: File an "Annual Registration With Changes", or an "Amended Annual Registration" through Use the big magenta button "Annual Registration With Changes" if it is the beginning of the year and time for your normal Annual Registration, otherwise, if you have already filed an Annual Registration with the GA Secretary of State that calendar year, click the "Online Services" button and Log into your corporation account and select "Amended Annual Registration". Follow the process and on the Registered Agent section, make the change to your Registered Agent and Registered Agent Address (registered office). Remember, the registered agent address can't be used as your business address. 

By Mail (slowest)

  • Amended Annual Registration for LLC (Form CD 920)
  • Amended Annual Registration for Corporation (Form CD 900)
  • Amended Annual Registration for LP & LLLP (Form CD 910)
  • Amended Annual Registration for Foreign LLP (Form CD 930)

  • DO NOT FILE Form RA-2 "Statement of Change of Address Registered Agent (RA-2) as this can only change the address of the registered agent and not the name of the registered agent.


NOTE: If you just initially registered your company in the current calendar year with the Georgia Secretary of State, you will need to file an “Annual Registration” for the same calendar year to update your Registered Agent information. If you are approaching a new calendar year, you may consider waiting to make the registered agent change during your regular annual renewal in the first few months of the next year.

What is my responsibility after sign up?

1) You must maintain an active paid account with us as long as you have us listed as your registered agent. The registered agent part of your corporate filing is legally the most important part of your corporate filing. Failure to maintain accurate and current registered agent information on your corporate filing can result in unreceived legal documents and can enable attorneys to punch holes in your corporate veil.

2) If you move or change your contact information, you are responsible to update the registered agent to ensure documents can be delivered if needed.

3) If at some point you wish to terminate your registered agent service, simply update/amend your registered agent information with the secretary of state to remove TRUE Space and our address information. Or you can terminate your LLC or dissolve your corporation.  You can then notify us by email or contact form letting us know you have accomplished the information change and that you wish to close your account.

What happens when legal mail or documents are received?

As your registered agent, we will sign for any "served" documents and receive any legal mail (including registered mail, certified mail, mail from attorneys, or mail from the secretary of state) addressed to us as your registered agent. The items will be scanned and emailed to you at no added cost. When you receive the scanned documents, you can contact us to request to pick up the physical documents in person at on metro Atlanta, GA area office, or have them sent to you via mail, 2nd day, or overnight service. If the legal documents are too large to scan, or have too many pages to scan (file size issues) we will scan the cover page and will send that to you and ask how you wish to receive the documents (mail or pickup).  To have documents physically forwarded to you by mail costs $5.00 plus the cost of postage. 2nd day or overnight costs $15.00 + shipping cost. Charges are billed to your payment card on file. Documents are held for 90 days after receipt and are then shredded.


In reality most businesses that keep their secretary of state filing current (taxes and fees paid) will receive no legal documents by mail and no served documents throughout the year.  There is no limit to the number of documents your business can receive each year. Your base rate for the annual service includes up to 10 documents or notices processed to you each calendar year. Additional documents or notices in excess of 10 incur a $10 charge per document (regardless of the number of pages). 99.9% of businesses will never reach the threshold of 10 legal documents or notices in a year. 

Can I use this address as my principal office address (business address) for regular mail, bank accounts, etc.?

No, the registered agent service only enables you to use this address for registered agent purposes. The only place the provided address should be used is on your corporate filing is as the Registered Office Address for your Registered Agent (not your Principal Office address, mailing address or business address).

If you need a professional commercial business address, please look at the 'Business Address' page on this site. Virtual Office (business mailbox) services are also available as a separate add on service.

What if my business name is not accepted by the state?

If there is a problem with the business name you choose, just let us know the new business name and we will update our records. You can update the business name on an account within 90 days of sign up. Just email us or submit a Contact Us Form with the changed information

Do I sign up for Registered Agent Service before I file with Georgia?

You will need the Registered Agent information before you start your filing. So definitely complete your Registered Agent sign up first.